Biogas Technology Zambia

Making biogas cooking energy more affordable

Zambia's rapid population growth has led to high energy consumption, primarily relying on charcoal and electricity, resulting in 70% of the population using unclean energy sources. This has led to severe deforestation at an annual rate of 250,000 to 300,000 hectares.

Biogas Technology Zambia (BTZ) offers an alternative energy solution that substitutes electric stoves, charcoal, LPG, and chemical fertilizers. It promotes a green economy and sustainable cities by utilizing locally produced biogas from manure, providing affordable and clean cooking solutions while giving back organic fertilizer to farmers. With the opportunity to scale and address energy affordability and accessibility in households, BTZ plans to pilot a project in Lusaka, serving 50 households and 50 farmers, contributing to a sustainable and greener society.

More ideas on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

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