A large proportion of what we buy and use every day is made of synthetic material – and a large part of it ends up in the ocean. Tooth brushes, one-way razors and plastic bags collect in the eddies of the seas; huge masses of plastic are the result. The largest mass is in the Pacific Ocean: According to some estimates, it is approximately as large as Central Europe. It is called the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch”.
But how does the plastic actually wind up in the sea? What happens to this plastic waste in the long term? What are the consequences for humans and animals, for nature and the climate? Find out in our infographics!
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SUPicking: paddle against the marine litter
A TEDx talk by Marlus Oliveira. Marlus is a Brazilian qualified lawyer, working in the fields of environmental and public law. He holds a Master’s degree in urban and environmental engineering and is a doctoral candidate in geosciences.
Read further on the Alumniportal Deutschland
From the Arctic to the Coral Triangle: climate change is perceptible everywhere. International researchers are alarmed about the state of the seas. They used the opportunity of a digital podium discussion to discuss the condition of our oceans and to formulate recommendations for action.
Climate Beyond Borders podcast series is a space where researchers from developing countries discuss climate change impacts and share their expertise to provide potential solutions. Hop on and be part of an informed community that can optimistically be ready to tackle climate change.