Successful Science Communication with our Workshops

Two women working together on a presentation
© GettyImages/courtneyk

Workshop Series

October - November 2024

Language: English

Would you like to improve your science communication skills? Then sign up for our free digital workshops on various aspects of science communication!

We have been offering these popular science communication workshops since 2021. The workshop series includes modules on the basics of science communication, on designing presentations and posters, strengthening your branding and social media skills, and successfully submitting funding applications.

Four workshop modules address different aspects of science communication. Below you can learn more about the content of each module:

Module I: Basics of Science Communication – Storytelling and Message Distilling
Module II: Personal Branding and Academic Networking using Social Media
Module III: Best Practices for Creating Scientific Presentations and Posters
Module IV: Writing Competitive Research Grant Proposals and Fellowship Applications
Further requirements:
Organizational and technical details


Found 3 results.


  • Alumniportal Deutschland-Team


    Dear Benjamin, unfortunately, this workshop series is already fully booked.
    Best regards

  • Benjamin Campion


    I will love to be part of this

  • Alumniportal Deutschland-Team


    @Dr. Ali Al-Alawi and @Lanbanté Palé: Unfortunately, this workshop series is already fully booked.

    Best regards

  • Dr. Ali Al-Alawi


    I would like to register for this digital workshops.

  • Lanbanté Palé


    I am stying master ( journalism and communication). I have a Bachelor in Germanistik. It is an occasion for me to improuve my skills

  • Damaris Oyaro


    It will be boosr my communication skills.

  • Alumniportal Deutschland-Team


    Dear all,
    Thank you for your interest in this workshop. Please register via the registration form in the yellow box above!
    Best regards

  • Ewa Graczynska



  • Dr Sylvain Tome


    I am Alexandra Humboldt Fellow. I would like to apply for this digital workshops.

  • Melkie


    I would like to participate

* mandatory field