International PhD (Doctor of Philosophy)
International PhD: the pathway to a doctorate
An international PhD denotes the highest academic degree that is awarded in many countries. It is very similar to the German doctoral degree that is attained by means of a ‘Promotion’ (glossary-internal link). The abbreviation PhD comes from the Latin term philosophiae doctor. Its English equivalent is Doctor of Philosophy, which does not by the way mean that this doctorate is only awarded in philosophy. A PhD sooner relates to a desire to acquire wisdom, in other words extensive academic research into a specific field of expertise. The PhD as an academic degree is therefore used in a number of disciplines.
The designation for this doctoral degree originates from the Anglo-Saxon education system. It is used worldwide, especially in English-speaking countries. That includes countries such as the United Kingdom, the USA, Canada and Australia. Albeit the internationalisation of academia (glossary-internal link) results in the term PhD increasingly being used in countries that are not English-speaking, also in Germany for example.
Which prerequisites need to be satisfied for a PhD?
Anyone interested in pursuing a PhD programme and using it to obtain their doctorate must satisfy various prerequisites. These can however vary depending on country, university or faculty.
Doctoral candidates must among other things substantiate their academic qualifications to be able to do their PhD and obtain their doctorate. In most cases this includes having completed a master's degree in a relevant field of expertise. Even the grade average of the master's degree certificate can be decisive in terms of admission to a PhD programme.
Even your research experience is evaluated when it comes to a PhD programme. In addition to a successfully argued master thesis, further publications or conference contributions can also reinforce the application for a PhD programme. Albeit even the professional and personal aptitude of the doctoral candidates is taken into account in the selection for a PhD programme.
Those interested must generally submit a proposal in this regard, in other words a detailed research proposal. They use this to describe the planned research topic, the research issues and methodology, and the anticipated results of their doctoral thesis. Mentoring of the PhD should also be clarified in advance.
The substantiation of language skills can be an additional prerequisite for a PhD. Because doctoral candidates are required to substantiate a command of English in relation to many international PhD programmes. Your language ability can be substantiated by means of language tests including TOEFL or IELTS.
What are the differences between a PhD and a Doctor title?
A German doctoral degree and a PhD in practice represent the same level of academic degree. There are nevertheless differences between a PhD and a German Doctor title that are primarily due to the designation of the doctorate or to regional traditions when doing your doctorate.
Whereas the Doctor of Philosophy, PhD title, is predominantly used in English-speaking countries, the Doctor title is used in many countries that are not English-speaking. These include Germany, Austria and Switzerland. As opposed to a PhD, the Doctor title is awarded here in a specific discipline. The Doctor title is generally directly combined with the discipline, such as for example:
• Dr. med. – Doctor of Medicine
• Dr. rer. nat. – Doctor of Natural Sciences
• Dr. phil. – Doctor of Philosophy
PhD programmes are however generally more structured than doctorate programs to obtain a German doctoral degree. A PhD usually involves doctoral candidates passing through a combination of courses, exams and the intensive research phase. Taking a doctorate to obtain a Doctor title in Germany, for example, is conversely designed in a much more individual manner. It generally also comprises a research association at a research institute or a university faculty. In addition to this research, doctoral candidates are then frequently also involved in teaching (glossary-internal link).
There is little difference in the duration of both doctoral procedures, they each extend over a period of three to five years. During their German doctorate/’Promotion’, doctoral candidates must conduct their research activities, complete a doctoral thesis and then defend this in a disputation or doctoral viva.