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Leibniz Association

Association of excellent research institutes

The Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz e.V. scientific community – shortened to – is an association that unites German . It was named after the polymath and its headquarters are in Berlin.

The work of the Leibniz Association

The Leibniz Association unites 96 independent research institutions throughout Germany. These include the:

These institutions dedicate their to addressing issues of social, economic and ecological relevance. This involves them covering the most diverse fields of research, including the natural sciences, humanities, social sciences and environmental research.

The Leibniz research museums also enable the association to focus on knowledge transfer. It does however also advise and inform policy-makers, science, business and the general public.

The members of the Leibniz Association are predominantly non-university institutions, yet the organisation does maintain close links with higher education institutions and universities. Albeit the Leibniz Association also collaborates closely with other research organisations and partners from industry and business.

Who finances the Leibniz Association?

The Leibniz Association is a major scientific organisation in Germany. Its members are known for their exceptional research and scientific innovations. The Leibniz institutions employ more than 20,000 people, including around 11,500 academics, scientists and researchers.

Their social relevance means that the Leibniz Association is funded jointly by Germany’s central and regional governments. Its total annual budget amounts to €2 billion.