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Basic research

Foundation stone for innovations

In addition to , basic research is a key method for gaining new academic and scientific insights. In doing so, basic research focuses on enhancing our comprehension of processes or phenomena. Basic research is also designated as theoretical or fundamental research. Its aim is not to develop direct applications or a practical benefit, although indirectly and from a long-term perspective it lays the foundation for precisely this outcome.

What is it that distinguishes basic research?

The focus of undertaking basic research is primarily to improve knowledge. They therefore for instance conduct research into the fundamental principles of nature or society. These could be physical laws or even biological processes. Their mostly gives rise to new theories or models that precisely explain these complex phenomena.

One of the main features of is that it doesn’t profess to provide a practical solution to specific problems. This is where applied research comes in, although it often includes the findings from basic research.

The benefits of basic research are therefore not always directly obvious. Because it is very often only later that its insights find a practical application. A famous example of this is , which subsequently enabled the development of computers. And the discovery of electricity is another example, which even now is still regularly resulting in new innovations.

How important is basic research?

Basic research by its very nature enjoys a large degree of . As opposed to applied research, it is not dependent on market demands or external orders.

Basic research contributes to the general advancement of knowledge – mostly driven by the researchers’ curiosity. Because it doesn’t merely enhance already existing knowledge. It also unearths questions that in turn lead to further research and the overall development of .

Basic research thus has a long-term impact on advances in the widest range of sectors such as medicine or technology. It represents a fundamental pillar of academia and science and – as its name suggests – it serves for instance as a basis for applied research. From this in turn emerge that can solve complex practical problems.