The central self-governing research funding organisation in Germany
The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft () is the central self-governing research funding organisation in Germany. It promotes at universities and non-university research institutions and plays a key role in the science system. The DFG provides funding for , in particular for , trainee programmes and research infrastructure.
Who finances the DFG (German Research Foundation)?
The DFG receives the large majority of its funds from the federal government and federal states. It also receives third-party funds through calls for applications and project applications submitted by members and institutions. DFG members include in particular higher education institutions, research institutions and scientific associations. This financing enables the DFG to fund fields such as ,, interdisciplinary projects and specialist research sectors.
What does the DFG (German Research Foundation) do?
It provides financial resources for academics, scientists and . The domains that it funds include the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities. Particular care is also taken to promote , strengthen global networks and advance knowledge exchange.
A significant element of DFG activities comprises the funding of early career researchers, such as via research training groups and the . The DFG moreover promotes free access to research results and expedites open access initiatives that improve .