Ideas for a liveable future
- 2022-01-04
- Thomas Kölsch
- Comment
The future can be better than we currently imagine: that was the core message to come out of the second TEDxKanzlerPark conference held on 9 November 2021. Doers, change-makers and innovators from around the world met digitally in a COVID-compliant manner to discuss the challenges in the years ahead – and to highlight the opportunities to effect the changes that will be experienced by every single individual. Because in contrast to many other formats, events arranged under the TED label (Technology, Entertainment, Design) don’t focus on raising issues – but rather on pointing out solutions.
The programme included a total of ten short presentations by experts from Brazil, India and Russia. They are all currently or they were previously in Germany as part of a German Chancellor Fellowship awarded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to pursue independently designed projects. Their proposals for constructive transformation of the economy and society extend from climate protection in the everyday life of all citizens to improved data management for governments.
Using citizen science to assist researchers
The conference was subdivided into three thematic sections: one focused on the potential of collective intelligence and group behaviour, another called for a change in perspective and the third dealt with digitisation. Alexandra Borissova Saleh, for instance, made the case for greater reliance on citizen science. This involves citizens collating the data that researchers urgently need, but can only obtain through massive effort by conventional means – such as the precise snow composition in different regions of Russia, population characteristics such as ethnic origin, or even a catalogue of the different animal species in a particular habitat. ‘I firmly believe that science can shape a better future’, Saleh declared. ‘Although if it loses touch with society, then it will find it difficult to deliver results that are relevant.’ It would therefore be expedient to include the population within the research process.
Other speakers at the KanzlerPark conference also see the power of the collective as an important aspect in relation to future concepts: since this increases our sense of togetherness and the impression of being able to make a difference together, as was stressed in various presentations. Finance market specialist Tamara Ferreira Schmidt asserted the benefits of crowdfunding projects in surviving the ‘valley of death’ – that early phase of a start-up in which the young company still has to take a product to market maturity and which entails the greatest risk for investors, while Alice Amorim Vogas demanded the integration of climate protection into every single political decision, at the same time speaking out for greater involvement of women.
Platform companies could shape the work of the future
The TEDx talks switched between concrete and abstract issues. Elizaveta Fakirova impressively explained the significant interrelation between the annual heat deaths in cities and the sealing of surfaces – and how planted roofs could easily compensate for this effect; Fabio Fornari dealt with the role played by tourism in climate debates; and Vineet John Samuel outlined a dystopic world, in which everyone becomes self-employed in the service of platform companies like Uber, Deliveroo or MyHammer, and is subjected to massive stress in light of the fierce competition. ‘Experts predict that the gig economy will generate a turnover of 455 billion US dollars by 2023’, the Indian author explains – this form of work is now widespread, especially in his home country. ‘92.4 per cent of the population in India work unofficially’, he says – a huge market which the facilitating online platforms are said to mercilessly exploit. And the numbers are continuing to rise. ‘This cannot and this must not be the future of work’, Samuel laments.
The talks of the TEDx KanzlerPark Conference in 2021:
Citizen Science: Help It to Help You | Alexandra Borissova Saleh
Keeping Public Memory Alive | R Stein Wexler
Can Crowdinvesting Save Startups from Valley of Death? | Tamara Ferreira Schmidt
Climate Politics is Everyday Politics | Alice de Moraes Amorim Vogas
Your Roof Can Fix Climate Change - Easier Than You Think | Elizaveta Fakirova
Tourism: Victim or Villain in the Climate Emergency | Fabio Gonçalves Pais Fornari
Are Gigs the Future of Work? | Vineet John Samuel
Data for Governments 101 | Jessica Voigt
Why an Open Internet Matters | Nathalia Sautchuk Patrício
Small Business: Think Big When It Comes to Your Data | Aditi Haruray
Read further on the Alumniportal Deutschland
Report on the TEDx KanzlerPark Conference 2020
In September 2020, a virtual TEDxKanzlerPark conference took place for the first time, which was initiated by participants in the German Chancellor Scholarship Program with the support of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Alumniportal Deutschland. The Alumniportal spoke to the event's organization team.
About the format: TEDx – the stage is set for research!
In line with its motto ‘ideas worth spreading’, the non-profit organisation TED (‘Technology, Entertainment, Design’) provides for a platform for experts to present their ideas. Independent events can be organised under the name TEDx. Speakers hold short talks (known as TED talks) from a wide range of topics before an audience