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Goal 13: Climate Action
Goal 13: Climate Action

Goal 13: Climate Action

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

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Found 15 results.

  • Symbol for climate protection: hand protects the globe from harmful influences
    © Gettyimages/RomoloTavani © Gettyimages/RomoloTavani

    Fellowship promotes young researchers and climate protection

    The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation's International Climate Protection Fellowship supports young leaders in their research. This strengthens understanding and helps the environment.

  • SDG Ziel 3: Gesundheit und Wohlergehen
    African woman paddles through flooded village in small boat
    © GettyImages/peeterv © GettyImages/peeterv

    How climate change affects our health

    Climate change is becoming a reality in our daily lives. It is threatening the health of people all over the world. It is thus important to explore what we can do to reverse the trend. 

  • SDG Ziel 16: Frieden, Gerechtigkeit und starke Institutionen
    Gruppenfoto der Teilnehmenden des Global Diplomacy Labs 2022 in Ljubljana
    © Global Diplomacy Lab/Aleksandar Domitrica © Global Diplomacy Lab/Aleksandar Domitrica

    Preventing conflicts by means of climate protection

    What impact does climate change have on conflict resolutions? Environmental engineer and DAAD alumnus Dr Moncef Bouaziz has not only dealt with this issue at this year’s Global Diplomacy Lab.

  • Scene from the documentary "Duty of Care" by Nic Balthazar: Lawyers in gowns
    Scene from the documentary "Duty of Care" by Nic Balthazar.© Still frame from the documentary "Duty of Care" by Nic Balthazar Scene from the documentary "Duty of Care" by Nic Balthazar. © Still frame from the documentary "Duty of Care" by Nic Balthazar

    SDG 13 - Film about a lawsuit for our climate

    The documentary ‘Duty of Care - The Climate Trials’ that is just under an hour long illustrates a new way to address climate change.

  • SDG Ziel 7: Bezahlbare und saubere Energie
    [Translate to Englisch:]
    [Translate to Englisch:] © [Translate to Englisch:] [Translate to Englisch:] © [Translate to Englisch:]

    Commitment to climate action

    Mario Cornaló tells us what brought him to Germany for a semester abroad, and why working in the European energy sector is so exciting for him now. 

  • SDG Ziel 3: Gesundheit und Wohlergehen
    Hands under a dripping tap, a parched desert floor in the backgroundHands under a dripping tap, a parched desert floor in the background
    © Getty Images/piyaset © Getty Images/piyaset

    How climate change is making us sick

    Studies reveal that climate change is not only changing our environment, it is also having an impact on our bodies and is influencing our mental health. The good news is that each one of us can counteract this.   

  • Agenda 2030
    Young activist demonstrating against climate change carries a sign that reads "No PLAnet B".
    © Getty Images/Vasil Dimitrov © Getty Images/Vasil Dimitrov

    Climate change – a challenge for science communication

    Dr Eduardo Queiroz Alves explains in an interview what constitutes successful academic communication of climate change and how it can be used to reach a young target group.

  • Green roofs in Chengdu
    © Getty Images/plej92 © Getty Images/plej92

    Green roofs and climate change

    The material used to construct buildings and roads such as concrete, iron, glass and asphalt accompanied by the lack of greenery in urban cities make these places particularly hot. Green roofs are a climate-responsive design with the potential to mitigate climate change effects. Join us in today's episode to learn about green roofs in urban cities.

  • Agenda 2030
    Hand protects earth from climate change influences
    © Getty Images/RomoloTavani © Getty Images/RomoloTavani

    Diversity to combat climate change

    Climate change can only be solved on an interdisciplinary basis. International climate protection scholarship holders at the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation have therefore created a network in which experts from all faculties can exchange ideas about various aspects regarding climate protection. Their podcasts shall raise public awareness of the topic.

“We can be the first generation that ends poverty and the last that avoids the worst effects of climate change.”

Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary General from 2007 to 201
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