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Goal 4: Quality Education
Goal 4: Quality Education

Goal 4: Quality Education

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

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Found 12 results.

  • Young adults sit next to each other and look at their smartphones.
    © Getty Images/FilippoBacci © Getty Images/FilippoBacci

    Chris Brown’s app promotes a more positive world of ideas

    Chris Brown is taking part in the 2024 Alumniportal Community Challenge. His idea is to create an app that is designed to inspire people with positive ideas and promote critical thinking.

  • Teacher with pupils in the school corridor, including a child with a disability
    © Getty Images/FG Trade © Getty Images/FG Trade

    Inclusivity in Education for Children with Disabilities

    Virtual Coffee Break (recording)

    Susan Nasipwoni looks at how to create a more inclusive education for children with disabilities by breaking down barriers and creating inclusive learning environments. #byalumniforalumni

  • Poster by books4future in Cologne
    Poster by books4future in Cologne© books4future Poster by books4future in Cologne © books4future

    SDG 4 - Reading to save the world

    The ‘books4future’ community shares literature recommendations to get young people excited about books. After all, reading helps us to understand our present-day problems.

  • SDG Ziel 11: Nachhaltige Städte und Gemeinden
    SDG Ziel 13: Maßnahmen zum Klimaschutz
    Trees in a forest grow towards the sky
    © Getty Images/conceptualmotion © Getty Images/conceptualmotion

    Why reclaiming a sustainable world is not a pipe-dream

    The COVID-19 pandemic struck us when the world entered the last decade of action to attain global sustainable development goals. There is a setback, but there is hope to get back on track. We must invest in the youth as they can be change-makers with their natural inclination towards diversity, inclusion and justice.

  • Infographic: Higher education around the world
    © Alumniportal Deutschland © Alumniportal Deutschland

    Higher education around the world

    Goal 4 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”. We want to know: What does higher education look like worldwide and how is it when it comes to education with equal opportunities?

  • Agenda 2030
    Ulf Matysiak
    Ulf Matysiak© 1041 Inc. Ulf Matysiak © 1041 Inc.

    Goal 4 - Quality Education

    1014 spoke with Ulf Matysiak of Teach First Deutschland about equitable quality education in Germany. Ulf is the CEO of the non-profit organization which has been teaching children in low-income neighborhood schools since it was founded in 2009.

  • SDG Ziel 5: Geschlechtergleichheit
    Young African female scientists work in the research laboratory.
    © Getty Images/anyaivanova © Getty Images/anyaivanova

    Gender equality in Africa

    Interview: What do women need to make it to the top in science? Two African researchers talk about unconventional career paths, peculiarities of the continent - and their own fighting spirit.

  • SDG Ziel 10: Weniger Ungleichheiten
    SDG Ziel 17: Partnerschaften zur Erreichung der Ziele
    SDG Ziel 5: Geschlechtergleichheit
    Group of people of different ages and nationalities putting their arms around each other
    © Getty Images/Rawpixel © Getty Images/Rawpixel

    Round-up Talk: Equal rights and opportunities

    In our round-up talk, five Germany alumni who are campaigning for more equality and social justice around the world talk about their commitment and give specific tips for other committed people.

  • SDG Ziel 1: Keine Armut
    SDG Ziel 10: Weniger Ungleichheiten
    SDG Ziel 8: Menschenwürdige Arbeit und Wirtschaftswachstum
    Germany-Alumna Auma Obama at the opening of the new Sauti Kuu Foundation Sports-, Resources- and Education Centre in Kenya in summer 2018
    © Andi Buchner © Andi Buchner

    Auma Obama: “It’s up to each individual to improve his or her own life”

    Through her Sauti Kuu Foundation, Auma Obama is supporting children and young people in her native Kenya. The Germany-Alumna is convinced that, with the right support, everyone can take control of their own lives.

“We can be the first generation that ends poverty and the last that avoids the worst effects of climate change.”

Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary General from 2007 to 201
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